• 06-17 2024
          On June 14, Gao Yong, secretary of the Party Committee of Lujia Town, led the Party and government delegation of Lujia Town to visit Zhou Town. Cai Li,the party secretary of Zhoushi Town,He Rongrong, Wang Lifei,the leaders of Zhoushi town  accompanied the inspection.       Cai Li, on behalf of the Party Committee and government of Zhoushi Town, welcomed the delegation of the Party and government of Lujia Town and briefly introduced the economic and social development of Zhoushi Town.       In accordance with the deployment requirements of the provincial Party Committee, the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Kunshan Municipal Party Committee, we will proactively seize the new green and low-carbon track, accelerate the development of new high-quality prod...
  • 06-17 2024
          On the morning of June 16, 2024, the 6th Sports Meeting of 2024 Zhoushi Town, organized by the People's Government of Zhoushi Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, was held in Zhoushi High School.       32 enterprises and business teams from Zhoushi Town actively participated in the sports meeting. There was a great atmosphere.The moment the referee blew his whistle, we saw the long rope in everyone's hands shaking constantly with the rhythm of the slogan, and everyone pulled the rope back desperately with full strength.The scene of chanting, refueling, Shouting one after another.       The great atmosphere and active emotions infected everyone.Each team did their best and showed excellent teamwork ability and tenacious fighting spirit.       Every employee of Kunshan Luxin New Material Techn...
  • 05-31 2024
          In order to further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of young staff, enrich everyone's cultural life, and better stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for work, Kunshan Luxin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. carried out sports activities with the theme of "Burn Fat and Embrace Yourself" on May 31.           There are stretching exercises, fun games, PK games, figure jogging, and other several projects in the sports meeting.There were 20 employee representatives in attendance. The fun game is that men and women are divided into two teams for speed competition, and the onewho gets to the endfaster wins. This game combines running, jumping, climbing, traversing obstacles and other movements to improve everyone's overall coordination and agility. The rules of PK game is inter...
  • 05-19 2024
          With the summer heat wave gradually coming, how to findhappiness in the dull office life? In order to enrich the spare time life of employees and enhance team cohesion, Kunshan Luxin New Materials Co., Ltd. held a fun small game activity in the office building on the afternoon of May 18. With the theme of "Summer Wake Up Plan", thisactivityaims to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, let employees release pressure in joy, and promote communication among colleagues.       We played a series of fun games, such as you play I guess, the piercing eyes, back drawing, and Guandan. By interpreting the specified words and conveying them to thenext person, the aim of you play I guess is to break the seriousatmosphere of daily work and allow employees to participate in activities with a relaxed and happy mind.  &nb...
  • 05-17 2024
              Kunshan Luxin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. held a grand general manager appointment ceremony on May 16,2024. This ceremony not only marks a new starting point for the company's management, but also symbolizes that the company is about to open a new stage of development.       At the ceremony, Lu Jingya, the chairman of the company,personally attended and delivered an enthusiastic opening speech. She reviewed the important milestones in the company's development and extended a warm welcome andhigh respect to Shao Junchao, the new General Manager, as well as high hopes for his future work.       Chairman Lu Jingya officially announced the appointment of Shao Junchao as the General Manager of the company and signed the appointment letter. Subsequently, the new general manager took an oath and...
  • 04-18 2024
          In the busy pace of work, Kunshan Luxin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. recently organized a unique flower arrangement activity, aiming to strengthen team cooperation and improve the aesthetic quality through this art form.        The activity venue is carefully arranged, Luxin invited the professional florist to provide on-site guidance, so that employees can experience the fun of flower arrangement. At thebeginning, the professional florist gave a brief introductionto the art of flower arrangement and shared practical knowledge of flower care. Under the professional guidance, the employees selected their favorite flower materials and began their own flower arrangement creation.Flower arrangement is an art form that combines cut plant branches, flowers,leaves, etc., according to certain aestheticprinciples. In ...
  • 04-17 2024
              In recent years, Kunshan has deeply practiced the concept of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.", seized the opportunity of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", and enabled green and low-carbon development with innovative park construction.               Located in Zhoushi Town, Kunshan City, Luxin New Material is a manufacturer of high-end metal shell parts for electronic products. The roof of the plant is covered with photovoltaic panels, the size of more than 30 standard basketball courts, which can generate about 1.8 million degrees of electricity a year. It is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of more than 1,600 households, accounting for 30% of the electricity consumption of the factory.         Shao Junchao, general manager of Kunshan Lu...
  • 03-25 2024
          On the morning of March 24, the cooperation matchmaking meeting between "New Power" members and Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as "Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute") was successfully held, and 45 "New power" program students and entrepreneurs participated in the event.       In the theme sharing session, Liu Qing, the deputy to the National People's Congress, the director of the National Innovation Center of the Yangtze River Delta, and the president of Jiangsu Institute of Production and Research, taught members around the theme of "Conveying the spirit of the National Two Sessions in 2024 - How to do a good job in developing new quality productivity." He pointed out that the development of new quality productivity should be tailored to local conditions, proceed f...